Law Enforcement
They protect and serve our community.
support our police
Our police officers go to work every day putting their lives in the path of danger to protect us. A community that supports our police is a community that is safer.
Any conversation about law enforcement needs to include qualified immunity. Qualified Immunity is a legal principle that grants immunity from lawsuits while performing official duties. Click the link below for the Wiki definition.
In 2022, the senate put forth a bill that originally had the abolishment of qualified immunity. By the time it left the senate it was just to do a study on it. But the fact that it even was a possibility is concerning. Removal of qualified immunity would have a chilling effect on the police. Specifically chilling the desire to join the force. Barre City is chronically understaffed due to a lack of applicants.
As a City Councilor for 14 years I have been pro law enforcement. As a state representative of Barre City I will be pro law enforcement. We need to make sure we do not endanger those that protect us everyday. Spend more time and money on training rather then supporting legislation that negatively impacts our community. I do think statewide CALEA accreditation would be great. It is not easy to do it but in the long run I think we would be better off. Click the button below to learn about CALEA.